L’Algérie, cœur du Maghreb classique

Shelomoh Dov GOITEN

  • Jews and Arabs : their Contacts through the Ages (1955)
    Shelomoh Dov GOITEN

    New York, Shocken Books, 1955, VIII-247 p. ; Schocken paperback, 1964 ; 1974

  • Studies in Islamic his­tory and ins­ti­tu­tions (1966)
    Shelomoh Dov GOITEN

    Leyde, E. J. Brill,, 1966, IX-391 p. ; réimpr. 1968

  • A Mediterranean Society : the Jewish com­mu­ni­ties of the Arab World (1967)
    Shelomoh Dov GOITEN

    as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza Berkeley & Los Angeles, University of California Press, 6 vol., 1967-1993, CXX-3085 p.